Customer Service: 1300 CROWNMOB ( 1300 276 966 )

Customer Service: 1300 CROWNMOB ( 1300 276 966 )

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Bring Your Number

You are here to choose Crown Mobile. Good Start! How to get into our team?


Purchase your SIM & Pick your best plan. We have a list of packs that you can get directly from our page. You just need to find the best one suited for your requirements and select the appropriate one. Get your purchase done. 


Get your SIM card

Use the link we supplied to your email to start the transfer of your number after you receive our new Crown Mobile SIM-card!


When you start the number transfer procedure, we’ll work with your current mobile provider to get your existing number transferred to Crown Mobile. You wouldn’t have to do anything at this point. Keep your Crown Mobile SIM card on hand in case you need to switch SIM cards after your transfer is complete.


Let us know when your contract ends and we’ll send you a reminder to port over to Crown Mobile.

Crown Mobile Logo

Crown Mobile is established in the telecommunications business with a focus on keeping Australians connected everywhere. Allowing customers to enjoy the best possible solutions for their SIM and mobile phone is our prime motto. We kept the customers up to date with intellectual thought-out and provided 100 percent care support.

Get in touch


204/66 Berry St
North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia


1300 CROWNMOB (1300 276 966)

Copyright © 2024. | Crown Mobile | All Rights Reserved | ABN : 84 075 084 329